Welcome to Our Energy Saving Website

Energy Saving

This site will give you information on the saving energy and its delivery partners, updates on project progress and links to useful resources. Energy Saving Launch Ministerial announcement on 23rd June 2024< > View the ArchivesYeah! There are more posts, check them out Subscribe to UpdatesSubscribe to the RSS feed to stay updated Latest GLF News‘Social enterprise and the environment’ event June 25, 2024 FREE Training - how will climate change affect your community? June 25, 2024Energy Saving launch - first pictures June 25, 2024Greener Living Programme launched June 23, 2024The third sector gave us the welfare state, can it give us the sustainable state? June 22, 2024UK Climate Projections launched (significant!) June 18, 2024Funding Central launched June 17, 2024Third Sector Climate Change Declaration June 15, 2024Real Help for Communities: Volunteers, Charities and Social Enterprises June 7, 2024Every Action Counts Film June 5, 2024 Image Gallery Energy Saving Trust Logo

Renewable energy: Solar, wind, wave, tidal and hydropower

Recycling UK

Recycling UK making the most of London's waste. Welcome to London's specialist waste management provider< > Welcome to London Recycling Ltd - London's specialist waste management company. You may be an old hand at recycling, or need advice about recycling your waste as a result of the ever-increasing landfill tax charges. Our goal is to help you to identify wastes and recycle them with the minimum impact on our local and global environment.

Milford Haven Waterway's future is put under threat by too much red tape, say experts
The Haven, which was recently awarded enterprise zone status by the Welsh Government, supports more than 5,000 jobs in Wales, according to the report from Cardiff University’s Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU) – which was commissioned by the Milford Haven Port Authority.

Environmental legislation is always changing with new directives going through consultation. Companies are required by law to meet all necessary legislation. Most of this comes from Europe and is then transposed into U.K law.

Do not be alarmed because London Recycling will make it simple for you to meet and exceed your obligations and in style. For example, we offer compostable bio liners for food recycling and stylish lockable bins for confidential waste to BS 8470.

The newly formed group will operate under the Gas brand and will focus on helping businesses address the challenges of managing energy costs, efficiency, carbon footprint and sustainability.

The mini executive bin allows for many waste streams in a small space – typically 4 in under one metre. And our recent Bin the Bin campaign aims to put and end to the deskside bin by implementing dedicated recycling points with clear labelling.London Recycling has zero landfill policy and works hard to keep our suppliers as close to our three London depots to reduce the impact our vehicles have on London's busy streets.

Our carbon neutral fleet will collect your selected waste streams and provide you with data to identify successes and highlight areas that need improving.London Recycling is a ISO 14001 accredited company we encourage customers to visit our sites to see first hand how we deal effectively with waste through the various recycling processes.

How to Recycle and Reduce Waste advice for all of us to help make a cleaner planet and a greener Wales

The company focuses on the 3 main utilities; electricity, gas and water and has a range of intelligent solutions for each of these particular challenges.

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What They Say about new energy sources

DECC Confirm Contingency Plan
New energy efficiency rating for homes highlights need for proper valuations of houses
Do you wish to harness an income from your land with solar panels?
A call for commitment from the Government re: EU renewables target
Government needs to do more to remind the public it has not killed the FIT
The need for real data to prove renewable technology’s worth
Feed-in-tariff is not dead!
Pros & Cons of The Green Deal.
The Green Deal is coming, but what does it mean?
Time is running out for 50kwp solar systems at the top rate of feed in tariff




'Social enterprise and the environment' event June 25, 2024
FREE Training - how will climate change affect your community? June 25, 2024
Greener Living Fund launch - first pictures June 25, 2024

Wood Energy
Greener Living Programme launched June 23, 2024
The third sector gave us the welfare state, can it give us the sustainable state? June 22, 2024
UK Climate Projections launched (significant!) June 18, 2024
Funding Central launched June 17, 2024
Third Sector Climate Change Declaration June 15, 2024
Real Help for Communities: Volunteers, Charities and Social Enterprises June 7, 2024
Every Action Counts Film June 5, 2024


Energy Saving

Impact of Participating

The difficulty of engaging with people has meant that Bryony isn’t sure how accurately they’re sticking to their pledges. “I’m hoping that the new scheme where you can make your own pledges will improve things” she says. “It’s a good move for this audience where people are probably already doing some of the standard pledges”. Pic

Wood Burning Energy

Converting wood into energy



Solar Power

The UK embraces Solar Power

The Government has set targets for the number of UK households that will have installed solar panels to their home. Contrary to popular believe the UK has over 65% of the radiation that Spain receives which is more than enough to guarantee a the function of a Solar PV system. With the Government's feed-in tariff in place that allows an income to be produced from installing solar energy the number of homes that rely soley on solar power is set to rise.Pic