One of the main concerns to those who are thinking of investing into a renewable energy system is, will it be profitable? With the majority of energy systems the answer to this is yet but it will depend on the nature of the system and its capability to determine when you will start to make a profit from it.
There are now many manufacturers of renewable energy systems in the UK meaning that there will be a variation in the quality of the system that you purchase. Some systems will take longer than others to create a return for the purchaser.
Another aspect that will determine how long it takes for you to create a profitable return is your payment plan. If you have purchased the system outright, you will be able to start making a profit immediately. If you have chosen to install a renewable energy system through finance, you will start to make a profit when the system has been paid off.
In the UK we experience a lot of rain which may not be favoured by many but one of the positives of our weather is that rain water can be harvested and used for various purposes. Modern homes will be built with a rainwater storage facility which will recycle the water so that it can be used within the household.
The systems that store rainwater will often be made from fibreglass, this is due to the strong nature of the material as well as it being lightweight and therefore easily transportable.
'Social enterprise and the environment' event June 25, 2024
FREE Training - how will climate change affect your community? June 25, 2024
Greener Living Fund launch - first pictures June 25, 2024
Wood Energy
Greener Living Programme launched June 23, 2024
The third sector gave us the welfare state, can it give us the sustainable state? June 22, 2024
UK Climate Projections launched (significant!) June 18, 2024
Funding Central launched June 17, 2024
Third Sector Climate Change Declaration June 15, 2024
Real Help for Communities: Volunteers, Charities and Social Enterprises June 7, 2024
The sun is inexhaustible. It will never run out meaning free energy for you forever Film June 5, 2024.
Save Money
Cut your electricity bill by 70%.
Earn Money
Earn over £800 per year with the feed in tariff.
Accredited Companies
We only deal with certified installers.
Quick and Easy
It might be worth talking to a number of different companies. One we have found helpful and consistently delivering high results in the commercial industry is Enviko, but please be your own judge.
Solar PV Cost/Savings example
This example is based on a 50kwp system with 30 degree pitch in Swindon with no grid upgrades and straight forward access. (2010)
System size: 50 kW
System cost: £75,000 +VAT
Income from FiT: £225,822 (assuming 3% RPI increase on 15.2p/kWh tariff)
Energy Savings: £106,142 (assuming unit cost = 11p/kWh)
Export Tariff Income: £15,469 (assuming inflation of 5%)
Total Profit (exc. install cost): £272,433
Benefits of Solar PV systems
Solar can help farmers reduce energy costs and generate income at the same time. A solar PV installation can substantially reduce energy costs, especially for farms running power-hungry equipment during daylight hours. Through the feed-in-tariff you can expect a return on investment of around 8% for a 25 year period, plus the savings on your electricity costs.
As a Solar PV specialist and accredited installer since 2004, we can help expedite planning applications and complete fit outs on permitted developments quickly and efficiently.
The difficulty of engaging with people has meant that Bryony isn’t sure how accurately they’re sticking to their pledges. “I’m hoping that the new scheme where you can make your own pledges will improve things” she says. “It’s a good move for this audience where people are probably already doing some of the standard pledges”.
The renewable energy industry in Wales is providing the potential for new Wood Energy Businesses to be established by entrepreneurial individuals or co-operatives. A Wood Energy Business will need: 1. A guaranteed, local supply of wood or processed wood fuel 2.
The Government has set targets for the number of UK households that will have installed solar panels to their home. Contrary to popular believe the UK has over 65% of the radiation that Spain receives which is more than enough to guarantee a the function of a Solar PV system. With the Government's feed-in tariff in place that allows an income to be produced from installing solar energy the number of homes that rely soley on solar power is set to rise.